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Best-in-class Task Manager for all your needs

Drive efficiency for your team members

Leverage industry-best tools with our task manager

Collaborate your Team on a various Task with task management software.

Collaborate on a Task

With our task management software module, you can monitor your team members and make them far more efficient by boosting collaboration at various levels. From assigning tasks on the basis of varying workloads to easily managing, following-up, and tracking the various tasks, do it all without hassle. Leverage best-in-class technologies to boost productivity for your teams and never look back!

Assign Task to multiple people

To succeed in a sustainable manner, it is important for you to encourage team members to work in a team and overcoming communication bottlenecks that are faced by an average team. Unlock productivity for your team across various departments with a task management system as you can now assign, track, monitor, and follow up on tasks with multiple people in one go. Managing teams has never been easier.

Make teams work with a constant flow only with task management system.
best task management tools for getting instant task approval.

Get an Instant Task Approval

With our industry-best task management tool, you can streamline day-to-day operations for all your team members as well as managers in various departments. With easy-to-use interface and high reliability of the product, you never have to wait for task approvals. From adding remarks for various tasks to assigning them to various people, it can all be done by Office24by7.

Track the status of a task you assigned

Never miss crucial updates on various tasks that are assigned to/by you. Use our industry-best task management tools for managing all the tasks in a highly efficient way. Keep track of all the tasks in an efficient manner and plan things accordingly. With Office24by7, you can track all your tasks in an organized manner without any hassle. Start tracking the tasks and monitor them in a proactive manner.

Check status of your assigned tasks with task management tool.
best task management software gives Cuastom Dashboard for effective Reporting and tracking.

Custom Dashboards & Reports

Leverage the power of data and insights with our custom dashboards and reports provided by our task management software module. By using custom dashboards, you can track the performance of all the team members involved in a given task or project. With detailed reports, you can empower your managers to track the workloads of their team members to prioritize tasks efficiently.

Manage tasks easier than ever

Leverage best-in-class task management tools by Office24by7


Multiple Departments

Remove bottlenecks and ensure collaboration between various departments with task monitoring software.


Custom Task Forms

Start using custom task forms and start making life easier for managers with task tracker software.


Sub Tasks

Add various sub-tasks within a single task to keep things highly organized by allowing task management system.


Task Statuses

With task monitoring software track, monitor, and manage tasks with regular and detailed status on the go.


Task Priorities

Task tracker software prioritizes various tasks for your team members and never miss anything.



Task management tools attach and share attachments as and when required to keep things organized.



Scheduling and attending meetings for different projects was never easier. Enhance the business engagement with task tracker software.



Never worry about getting or giving approvals for the tasks with Office24by7 that offers top task management software.



Leverage data and insights from custom dashboards and detailed reports with task management tools.

 best task management tools for secure and effective sales discussion.

Sales Discussions

Hold sales discussions between your agents and stay on top of all the developments. With the best-in-class communication tools, sales teams and agents can interact with each other in a secure and efficient manner.

Start improving your communication quotient by encouraging the various stakeholders to communicate in an effective and easy-to-use manner with task management software. Never leave any stone unturned with our industry-best task management tool.


Client Approvals

Getting client approvals has never been easier with our task management software. Having helped numerous companies to solve key problems in terms of communication and automation, Office24by7 has truly understood the pain points that organizations face.

With our experience and expertise in building cutting-edge products, we have built the task manager that allows you to get client approvals without any hassle.

Get your Payments approval within seconds with best task management software.

Payment Approvals

With our task management software, not only can you drive the efficiency in doing the tasks and monitoring the progress for all the tasks, you can get payment approvals from the concerned individuals with any challenges.

Start using our industry-best task management software and never worry about payment approvals again as all the communication is streamlined and sharing documents in form of attachments is hassle-free.

best task management software by Office24by7 for IT task and boosting efficiency.

IT Tasks

From setting up tasks to be done to assigning the various team members with relevant tasks and then monitoring the progress, each and every facet of IT tasks are streamlined if you are using the best task management software by Office24by7.

Stay on top of all your IT tasks and never miss any deadlines because of inefficient communication or lack of clarity. Start using best-in-class tools and boost efficiency.


This helps with productivity and ensures that all the tasks are assigned properly and aligned with the company’s goals.

Yes, it is quite easy to check the status of assigned tasks at any point of time with Office4by7.

Yes, you can do that.

Yes, you can add the documents to the tasks and have it accessible to required people