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Office24by7 Deal Management

Office24by7 Deal Management Software

Efficiently control the deal management process to gain higher productivity and make the best out of each deal.

 Gain Bird Eye's View with Office24by7

Comprehensive View

You can check your dashboard and have a look at the deals that are present in different stages in our deal management software. The best thing about Office24by7 sales CRM is that you can also check the worth of each deal in the deal management process. You can ask your agents to focus on the more worthy deals or the ones that can be closed by taking action.

Set Sales Goals

Set your agents' sales goals and track their progress in Office24by7’s deal management system. You can either set revenue goals or the deals. Put the right time limit and start tracking in our deal management software. The entire process is simple and easy. This will also help in knowing the successful products, growth areas you must focus on, and many more.

Set Sales Goals
Easy Filtering Options

Easy Filtering Options

With Office24by deal management system, you can easily filter the required deals and set priorities accordingly. You can categorize these deals according to their progress. The best part about our deal management CRM is that you can set up different stages and operate along with them according to your priorities.

Automate Follow-Ups

When you opt for Office24by7 deal management software, your agent doesn’t necessarily have to follow up with your deals all the time. You can set up the marketing campaigns, and emails will be triggered according to the preset time. You don’t have to spend extra time on these follow-ups when we have everything automated for you. The Office24by7 deal management system allows you to customize these follow-ups according to your requirements.

Automate the Follow Ups
Reports and Analytics

Reports and Analytics

You can stop worrying about the lost deals and start focusing on the right deals with Office24by7. Our sales CRM will give you the analytics you can use to determine where to spend your time and resources. This way, you can make the most out of each deal.

Office24by7 Deal Management CRM Features

Ease of Availability

Ease of Availability

Now you can stay in touch with your clients/deals at any time of the day with our sales CRM. Nurture and close the deals at any time, any place.

In-Depth Analysis

In-Depth Analysis

Conduct an in-depth analysis of every one of your deals with the history reports present in our deal management software. You will understand what is the bottleneck in the sales funnel with this.

Focus on Right Deals

Focus on Right Deals

Our deal management solution provides proper insights that will give you an idea about how good a deal is and whether it is worth your time.

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast

Now you can predict the deals by checking their success percentages and revenue. You can forecast the revenue for the month, quarter, or year.

Greater Productivity

Greater Productivity

Achieve higher productivity by having everything in our deal management solution in one place. You can send emails, messages, or WhatsApp to close a deal. Your team can also collaborate and get high-deal values.

Set Deal Parameters

Set Deal Parameters

Have clear parameters such as product status, offers, past deal activities, and operational constraints that can affect the company’s revenue.

Renewal Reminders

Renewal Reminders

Send the renewal reminders to your customers whenever required. You can set the time as per your business needs.

Unclog the Pipelines

Unclog the Pipelines

Remove stagnant deals clogging the sales pipeline for more periods using our deal management solution. Give a time period for your deals; once that time expires, you can check the revived ones.

Cross sell and Upsell

Cross-sell and Upsell

Get your deal interested in the other products that you have to offer. Cross-selling and upselling are made easy with Office24by7- the best deal management software.

Create Different Opportunity

Create Different Opportunity

If a deal is interested in more than one product you are offering, create a different opportunity for them. This way, different deals can be tracked individually.


A deal management software helps track, organize, maintain, prioritize, and analyze the deals irrespective of where they are in the sales pipeline.

The sales pipeline is a process that starts with a lead entering the sales system and ends with them making the purchase. There are a lot of steps involved in between and after, and all of them together are an integral part of the sales pipeline.

Followup is a time-consuming process yet is quite essential for businesses. With Office24by7’s automated reminders, your agents will be able to follow up with the deals time and again.

Yes, you can do this. It is important to remove the stagnant deals from the pipeline and keep the ones that matter. With Office24by7 CRM, you can set a proper target period for each deal, and once it expires, the deal will go and fill in the revive section.

You can copy the deal and create an entirely different opportunity for them. This way, you can track the sales journey of the two deals without confusion.

Deal management software will help in knowing the deal flow and understanding it. This way, the company will have complete control over the deals and can fasten their closing.